I have decided to resume blogging! I think that it can be a fun and interesting way to keep in touch with the Am Shalom community and to share my thoughts with you in an informal way. I also think that it's one of those cool new communication tools that we need to embrace. So here you'll find my thoughts, random and not-so-random....I'll try to keep it interesting, sometimes deep and sometimes light. I'll share links to things like news stories and other stuff that I find relevant to us and maybe book reviews, movie reviews, and the like. Stay tuned since I have lots of ideas and at the same time no idea what I'm going to post! Feel free to email me with your responses (see www.amshalom.com for my email address...it's generally not a great idea to post your email address on a blog) or make comments here in the blog. This might be a great opportunity to connect with you all!
Stay tuned....
Rabbi Phyllis