Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Remembering 9/11 - 6 years later

Today at 7:45am, we gathered at the Am Shalom flagpole for our annual 9/11 commemoration. We were joined, as usual, by Glencoe firefighters and police officers. We are one of the only remaining yearly commemorations.

The day was beautiful. Clear, cool, the blue sky absolutely stunning. So much like that Tuesday six years ago.

One of our students played Taps on his trumpet. He is a Bar Mitzvah student, about 13 years old. His beautiful playing prompted me and others to give him a hug. It's not often that you give a 13-year-old boy a hug, but in that moment, I was overwhelmed by the realization that he was only 7 years old when the 9/11 attacks happened.

May we remember on this day.

I share these beautiful words from Karen Maezen Miller at her blog, Cheerio Road:

In this hush
between the rising and dusk
of one minute and month
a season arriving
a circle recycling
we see sharp and know cold
that not one thing stands
or stands still
Not one thing untouched
but all carried intact
by love
deep, far and beyond.

Remembering the day, the year, the people, the passing, the wide open darkness and then, the light.

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